

Community Tumuaki update | Friday 10 February

Kia ora koutou

Thank you to all our parents, caregivers, and students for such a great start to the school year.  Despite the delay it has been lovely to see our students back here at school, with excellent attendance this week – let’s keep that going!  This email contains some important information about the storm that is predicted to arrive this weekend, as well as some other start of year matters.

School next week

At this stage we are open for instruction from Monday next week.  If this changes as a result of the storm, please know that I will be in touch with you all directly.  Our priority as always will be safety and wellbeing and so any decisions about possible closures will take that into account.   You as parents and caregivers will also be best placed to decide if it is safe for your children to travel to school on Monday.

As a precautionary measure we have decided to issue all students at school today with their school device to take home over the weekend.  This is on the proviso that they are looked after carefully and returned back to school on Monday morning ready for learning.  This means they will have access to a device next week if we do need to move to learning at home as a result of the storm.

As your child has their device you might ask them about their learning this week and get them to show you something they have done in their google classroom.  Students should also be aware that all internet searches and use of the device are subject to the same rules as when they are at school and deans / our IT team are able to monitor their use.


Your support is appreciated in ensuring that your child is at school ready for a prompt 9.00 am start (Monday to Thursday) and 9.30 am (Friday).  Students must be at school and in their Mentor class at this time in order to be marked present, and also to collect their device for the day.


As you will know regular attendance is essential for all our learners to make the most of their learning and ensure they are able to gain the qualifications they are capable of achieving each year.  One of the biggest predictors of academic success is regular (90% +) attendance.

If your child is unable to attend on a particular day, please ensure you phone (09) 576 9039, text (022) 0267166, or email [email protected] and also email your child’s Mentor teacher. If they are away due to illness or other unavoidable circumstance the work from that day will be available via their device (and google classroom) and they are expected to do their best to make up the work missed.


If for any reason your child is unable to be in correct uniform, we would appreciate a note or email from you to their Mentor teacher explaining the situation and when you are hoping to get it corrected.   They will then be issued with a permission slip for the time they need to be in incorrect uniform.

Please note that the uniform guidelines clearly state no facial piercings, and only small plain earrings in each ear.  Your support in enforcing these requirements would be appreciated, particularly from a health and safety aspect when they are engaging in practical subjects.

If you do need support in supplying a uniform item for your child, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with their Dean – email addresses are below.

Contacts For 2023

Thank you again, I do hope you keep safe and well over the weekend and we are able to be back onsite next week.

Ng膩 mihi


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